Event 12/09/2024

Risk webinar: How Internal Audit contributes to continuous control monitoring

As the world becomes more fast-paced, risks continue to evolve, and the demand for resilience grows. The functions of internal audit, internal control, and risk management must be more proactive than ever. They must keep up with emerging risks, navigate shifting regulatory landscapes, and leverage new technologies that offer greater insight into risk through advanced analytics.

To steer you through this evolution, we will be organizing a number of webinars with relevant topics to share meaningful insights and best practices. Our industry experts will be hosting the webinars in English and include a Q&A to help answer your questions and encourage interaction amongst peers. We will host four webinars in 2024 and invite you to our next webinar:

12/9: How Internal Audit contributes to continuous control monitoring

This webinar will help you to gain insights in:

  • Continuous control monitoring dashboards, including their purpose, functionality and benefits.
  • Internal Audit's role in the development and implementation of Continuous Control Monitoring Dashboard, taken into account the 3 lines of defense.
  • Techniques for continuous assessment and updating of Continuous Control Monitoring dashboards to adapt to new risks and regulatory changes.
  • Key technical components needed for implementing Continuous Control.
  • Monitoring dashboards and steps for integrating CCM dashboards with existing systems and processes within the organization.

Industry experts Annemie Pelgrims and Steve van der Steen share insights on legislation, trends, best practices and the roles of internal audit within the ESG compliance journey. Our expert Vicky Posthumus will host the webinar and lead the Q&A.

Timing webinar: 9am to 10am.

Participation is free of charge. To secure your spot, please register by 9/9 by us clicking the button below:

Registration webinar 12 September

Registration webinar 12 September