ESG training

ESG Advanced

Our training goes beyond theoretical concepts

ESG Advanced Program structure

If you want to deepen your understanding of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the EU Taxonomy and their reporting requirements, this program will help you achieve your objectives.

Our training goes beyond theoretical concepts. Each module is developed and taught by ESG experts with solid, on-the-job experience. All modules share an interactive approach where theory is combined with practical, real-world examples. We keep group sizes small to stimulate optimal interaction.

You will receive a comprehensive introduction to various ESG topics. We will guide you through the scope, objectives, and main principles, using practical examples for clarity.

Three training modules
The modules will focus on specific areas: DMA and the value chain, the CSRD framework, and the EU Taxonomy.

Detailed Module Breakdown

Module 1: DMA and Value Chain

  • Learn our six-step approach for a pragmatic DMA exercise.
  • Best practices.
  • Exercises.
  • Connection between the value chain and ESRS, including how to map a value chain.
Detailed Module Breakdown

Module 2: CSRD

  • A deepdive into ESRS with practical examples.
  • Understand our pragmatic approach for an ESG journey.
  • Topics include internal audits, data management, local legislations, and interoperability with ISSB.
Detailed Module Breakdown

Module 3: EU Taxonomy

  • Introduction of our five-step roadmap , complemented by practical examples and exercises.
  • Celsia demo
  • Examples of published EU Taxonomy tables.
  • Learn about timeline key dates and deadlines for implementation and compliance milestones.
  • Exercise: real-world examples of tables and reports and insights into best practices and standards

By participating in our advanced ESG training program, you will enhance your skills and knowledge, empowering you to contribute effectively to your organization’s ESG initiatives. Join us and take the next step in your professional development!

Detailed Module Breakdown

Module 4: SFDR

In this session, we will deep dive into the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR).

What will you learn during this training?

  • Introduction to SFDR level 1 & 2 reporting
  • Latest amendments to SFDR compared to the already applicable version
  • Step-by-step guide: a detailed overview of our approach of the journey towards SFDR compliance
  • Deep dive into product categories and related disclosure requirements: starting from the regulations, we will apply the requirements on a practical example of product classification
  • Key insights & lessons learned: advanced insights and detailed discussion on SFDR compliance and reporting
  • Links between SFDR and CSRD, EU Taxonomy and MiFID II: exploring the connections between several regulations impacting financial institutions

Practical information

The training is structured as a modular program, with each module lasting half a day.

Target audience
This ESG training program is designed for all professionals involved as stakeholders in the ESG reporting community. Prior knowledge of ESG reporting is not required.

For those seeking customized training options, feel free to contact us for more information.

Consult our training calendar for upcoming sessions. Each session includes a subscription form for easy registration.

The price for an individual training module is €450 (excluding VAT) per person. Organizations sending multiple participants will receive a 10% discount.

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