Career development and digitalisation need time and patience

Be patient when developing your career. Take your time when you digitalise. These are two striking pieces of advice from CFOs in times characterised by an ever more rapidly evolving economic environment. TriFinance virtually brought together top professionals in finance during six online talks.

TriFinance published a book: Zo maak je carrière in finance / Comment faire carrière dans la finance? (How to make a career in finance). 36 CFOs from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany talk about their careers. That calls for a roadshow, right? But Covid-19 wreaks havoc, you know. So it became an online inspirational tour. During six virtual events, CFOs from the financial institutions and ICT world, from the private and public sectors were featured. The Czech author of the book: The Positive Leader, Jan Mühlfeit, closed the series. He was chairman of Microsoft Corporation Europe for many years and nowadays coaches individuals and organizations. The events took place in recent weeks as part of our ongoing campaign ‘How to take control and Leave your mark’.

Job Landscape

Patience is a fine virtue. That goes without saying. However, CFOs wanted to draw attention to that wisdom. Some are increasingly hearing that the latest generations on the labour market are too impatient and start looking for another job after just two years in an organisation. They choose too many challenges in a short period of time. Doing so they fail to create real impact.

At TriFinance we try to make them more aware of the longer term. Within our arsenal of resources for this purpose we are working on a new instrument: the 'Job Landscape', a 'viewing box' of career opportunities. Incidentally, you don't necessarily need a pre-designed plan to make a career. Perhaps the opposite is true: coincidences play a major role. Which is not to say that you are drifting on the flow of your career. Seizing and creating opportunities is the message. Just like choosing mentors and coaches.

Nine months of work and three months of travel

Employers should increasingly take into account the importance young people attach to the purpose of the organisation for which they want to work and the fact that they hold the reins of their careers firmly in their own hands. CFOs recommend that they also learn from failure. Moreover, for them lifelong learning is a necessity.

According to Jan Mühlfeit, for the first time there is a generation that cares more about experiences than about possessions. He gives the example of young people who want to work for nine months and then travel for three months. Some try to combine the mindset of a freelancer with the advantages of an employee status, but you can't have it both ways. That does not rule out legislative work that could create a balanced mix of the two, but it isn’t a priority for politicians.

Processes are decisive in digitalisation

Patience when digitalizing is another advice from top financial executives. Anyone who thinks: we install a robot and we are done, is wrong. You cannot introduce a digital novelty just like that. Digitalization is not primarily about tools, but about processes, which are decisive. Which processes qualify for digitalization and can they be improved beforehand? These are crucial questions for the successful introduction of new technology. Equally decisive are taking sufficient time to test the tools thoroughly and to communicate frequently with all those involved. Especially the employees who will have other, more interesting tasks once the repetitive ones are digitalized.

Process optimization is one of TriFinance's areas of expertise. Our network organization never forgets that technology for technology's sake does not work. Everything revolves around people. Their intrinsic motivation is the best engine for success. Also in the public sector where the status of the employee - statutory or contractual - plays a smaller role than most people assume.

TriFinance is fully aware that employee motivation is the most decisive factor in bringing tasks to successful completion. That is why it focuses on the professional well-being of the people it works with. That generates Economies of Motivation®. Those who feel good deliver better work and all those involved benefit from this.


The corona pandemic was raised during the debates. Of course, it could not be otherwise. Teleworking in particular was a point of attention. Covid-19 boosts working from a distance. This is difficult for employees who need stability to be efficient. Others are comfortable with the new situation and have already the necessary skills to work in changing situations. After the obligation to work full-time from home, if possible, a new balance will be installed. Digitalization will also change the organization of work. Jobs will disappear and others will emerge. Other competencies will be needed. These evolutions call for 'reinventing the workplace'. Another of TriFinance's expertises.